Saturday, September 1, 2012

Human Ties

In Asia there is a word that means ‘human ties’. This word literally means there is an invisible thread or tie between people. For that reason we meet certain people in this world. Our meeting is not an accident, but an inevitable encounter based on such ties.

The ‘ human tie’ can be positive or negative. When we meet someone with whom we have positive tie, we can be good friends or support each other. When we meet someone having the negative tie, we may become enemies to harm each other.

I think I had such positive and good tie with “B” and “T”. When Jerry was suddenly died, all neighbors and I were shocked and puzzled. “Why?” was the first reaction of us.  With time I felt some guilty… I should have helped or supported Jerry more. I tried to be nice and kind to him and we had shared good times. When I grilled in my backyard, I always shared it with Jerry. But I didn’t know Jerry had such enormous passion to the cooking and art. If I had known it, I would have shared more time and supplies for cooking and art with Jerry. Anyway… my relationship with Jerry was ended all of a sudden. But who knew? A new relationship began from Jerry’s death. I met “B”, Jerry’s sister. And I met “T”, the daughter of “B”. I think it was time our good ties showed up in this life. They’re kind and sweet and have no will/ ability to harm someone. They truly helped me a lot to get rid of Frankie from my family and me. Of course, I value our relationship and good ties. But that’s why I am concerned about Frankie and don’t want to do too much against him. I don’t want to make unnecessary negative tie with Frankie. When I think of meeting Frankie in the next life, I’m scared and get goosebumps.