Today is December 24, 2012. Exactly, one year ago, Jerry gave me some herb seeds as a Christmas gift.
I'm sure that we'll have a very White Christmas this year because I'm now watching the snow dancing in the air through the window.
White snow... I suddenly remembered Jerry and my eyes start to hurt. Tears roll down to my lips. A kind of guilt?! I should have been more kind to Jerry. I couldn't imagine Jerry would leave this world so quickly.
When I cooked something special, I shared it with Jerry. I knew that Jerry didn't cook often. I think Jerry felt sorry and wanted to do something for me. It was a snowy day. When I got up early one morning last winter, I heard someone shoveling my driveway. Yes, I was right. I saw through the window Jerry was shoveling the snow before my house. Isn't it kind & sweet?
I wish Jerry would have a wonderful Christmas too. We still miss him.
Monday, December 24, 2012
Saturday, September 1, 2012
Human Ties
In Asia there is a word that means ‘human ties’. This word literally means there is an invisible thread or tie between people. For that reason we meet certain people in this world. Our meeting is not an accident, but an inevitable encounter based on such ties.
The ‘ human tie’ can be positive or negative. When we meet someone with whom we have positive tie, we can be good friends or support each other. When we meet someone having the negative tie, we may become enemies to harm each other.
I think I had such positive and good tie with “B” and “T”. When Jerry was suddenly died, all neighbors and I were shocked and puzzled. “Why?” was the first reaction of us. With time I felt some guilty… I should have helped or supported Jerry more. I tried to be nice and kind to him and we had shared good times. When I grilled in my backyard, I always shared it with Jerry. But I didn’t know Jerry had such enormous passion to the cooking and art. If I had known it, I would have shared more time and supplies for cooking and art with Jerry. Anyway… my relationship with Jerry was ended all of a sudden. But who knew? A new relationship began from Jerry’s death. I met “B”, Jerry’s sister. And I met “T”, the daughter of “B”. I think it was time our good ties showed up in this life. They’re kind and sweet and have no will/ ability to harm someone. They truly helped me a lot to get rid of Frankie from my family and me. Of course, I value our relationship and good ties. But that’s why I am concerned about Frankie and don’t want to do too much against him. I don’t want to make unnecessary negative tie with Frankie. When I think of meeting Frankie in the next life, I’m scared and get goosebumps.
Wednesday, August 29, 2012
Court Hearing II
The reason why life is daring is because life is
unpredictable. Can you believe that Frankie didn't appear to the hearing
although he himself filed the motion? If he didn’t want to show up, why did he
file the motion? Just to annoy or harass me?
Today I went to the court to keep PPO. I found that “T” was
already there for me. Isn’t it nice and kind of her? Anyway… It was 9:00 am. My eyes kept staring at the
courtroom door. What if Frankie appears? But he didn’t enter the door. I
anxiously waited for the judge, but the judge didn’t show up. 10 o’clock… 11
o’clock… Frankie didn’t come into the courtroom. “T” told me, “What if Frankie
comes to your house?” Oh… no way… But wait a minute… we all are here, in this
courtroom and Frankie knows well that my house is vacant now. Gaaak… Finally
the judge showed up and sat on the bench. My case number was so behind. People
were arguing before the judge. One man argued that the woman bit him and the
woman argued that she got hit until her eyes were blurred. Anyway… there were
many human stories. Now it was my turn. Since Frankie didn’t appear, I could
keep my PPO without argument. Thank God.
Can you imagine? “T” asked her mom “B”, so the old lady “B”
patrolled my house 2 times when we were in the court. Maybe it sounds funny or
paranoid. But Frankie was a source of our fear and frustration and we want to
be safe. I don’t know how I can show my appreciation to “B” and “T”.
Tuesday, August 28, 2012
Court Hearing
We feel angry when someone hurts us or treats us unfairly.
When I think of Frankie, honestly, I feel angry. One of my most disliked things
is to waste time. I waste so much time and energy because of Frankie. Tomorrow
I have to appear to the court because Frankie filed a Motion to vacate PPO
(Personal Protection Order). Frankly if Frankie has no intention to come back
to me to harm or hurt me, what is the reason of his filing of Motion to lift
PPO? It’s really stressful and time consuming to prepare for the court hearing.
And why should I spend another couple of hours in the court due to Frankie? But
I have heard that a Russian squatter was stamped to death by the property
owner. His dead body was found 11 days
after his death. I’m not sure if the property owner was charged for a murder.
Compared to that, isn’t Frankie lucky enough to be here? Anyway… I wish I can
keep PPO at tomorrow hearing.
Friday, August 24, 2012
Criminal Mind
What is a criminal mind? With good reasons, I had to bump into Frankie many times, and the acts of Frankie were truly ill and repulsive. But many of Frankie’s acts were perfectly legal, although he crossed the border numerous times. I asked myself many times, “What makes the acts of Frankie perfectly legal?”
In modern society we’re judging crime based on the man-made rules and laws. When someone breaches the rules or laws, s/he is guilty for a crime. But we all know human life is not so simple and with that reason we have great sympathy to Jean Valjean and consider “Les Misérables” one of the greatest novels, since it gives us a good opportunity to think about laws. I also want to point out that law lacks morals and the ability to consider the complicated human circumstances.
American rules and laws allow squatting. Frankie was supported by laws and protected under the wing of those laws. Thanks to Frankie, I realized how a crime could be perfectly legal. No matter what the law says, Frankie’s acts were based on the criminal mind. I want to ask again, “What is a criminal mind?”
Criminal Mind is an ill will to harm or hurt someone although there is a way to opt out. Criminal Mind tends to create hells unnecessarily. His/her ill acts are not coming from human instinct to survive or from a basic urgent necessity. For example, a soldier kills an enemy on the battlefield. We don’t call him a murderer, not only because he was empowered to kill enemy, but also because his situation is urgent survival situation - if he doesn’t kill his enemy, he must be killed. But when a soldier kills an unarmed civilian without an acceptable reason, we call him a murderer because there exists a way not to do so and it is his willful choice and abuse.
With the above reason, I believe that Frankie’s acts were made by criminal mind. If Frankie had no job, no place to go, and was in urgent need, we cannot simply call his squatting criminal. But Frankie’s squatting was not made in urgent need. Most of all, when I asked him to move out, Frankie became well aware of that my family and I suffer from his squatting and threatening.
However, Frankie acted as if it was his right to squat in my house and intentionally gave as much damage as possible. Today’s laws cannot distinguish between “criminality” and “illegality.” Frankie’s acts based on the criminal mind and its criminality was perfectly legal until he threw the fuel on us and was finally charged.
Laws alone cannot lead our society. Again Criminal Mind wants to create hells unnecessarily on our earth. What is our counter act? Where is our counter power?
Saturday, August 18, 2012
American Squatter
When I had to struggle to pay the bloody rent every single month, I asked myself numerous times, “Is housing a commodity or a basic right?”
Mostly we consider it in both ways. That’s why we agree to provide housing at below-market-rates to certain people in need. President Obama also once declared, “it is not acceptable for children and families to be without a roof over their heads in a country as wealthy as ours.”
I think America is one of the most ideal places in the world to squat. In America, squatting has either been tacitly permitted (policemen not evicting squatters) or openly accepted (some cities placing portable toilets and security guards near encampments, a Congresswoman encouraging squatting in foreclosed homes).
Of course, living as a squatter is not always an easy option. Some are squatting in a poor condition property – no water, no power, no toilet, the bath in the kitchen and winter is unbearably cold. But like my squatter Frankie, some are enjoying a free living in a fully furnished house, having hot water, heating and power. Frankie threatened me to stay away, not allowed me to access the house while his utility bills were stacked up to me. He not only enjoys using utilities, he can use them for free while the property owner pays for everything. When I cut the grass, he either called the police against me as a trespasser, or enjoyed my work sitting on the porch smoking his cigarette.
Some squatters like Frankie attempt to take over private homes, temporarily left vacant, and enrage the sense of fair play. Such valuable & generous opportunity (Squatting) shall not be abused to protect the innocent & genuinely needy squatters.
Friday, August 17, 2012
Is Squatting a Movement for Housing Justice?
Right now 2 police officers came to me to investigate Frankie’s PPO violation. They’ll issue a warrant against Frankie due to his willful PPO violation. I told them that it would be basically a simple matter if Frankie moved out peacefully and expressed my sorry for wasting so much public money due to this case. (The police came to my house over 20 times) The police laughed and said, “You’re the first person who worries about public money.” Anyway… they said a warrant against Frankie would be issued.
I want to forget Frankie, but my situation doesn’t let me to forget.
I myself once had such difficult time to pay the rent. Every month I had to pay about one third of my income just for the living space and it was pain. But when I ask myself, “Will you squat in someone’s house?”, my answer is, “Maybe no.” The reason of my “No” is not only based on my lack of ability or courage.
America is one of the richest countries, accustomed to surplus. We have a surplus of food, clothes, materials and a surplus of real estate. 14 percent of living units in America are vacant at the end of 2010 with some reason. Families and individuals who can no longer afford the cost of living may throw a question, “Why not use them?” But I want to throw a question, “What if the property owner doesn’t give you consent?” I’ll make clear that when the owner gives consent, it’s not squatting anymore.
Most of Americans have a surplus of food, clothes or materials in their basement or garage. Can we use them just because the owner doesn’t use it now? Can we step into their garage and grab something with an excuse they don’t use it? We don’t and we can’t. Then why and how is such grabbing allowed for the real estate under the name “squatting”? Can the basic right to personal space bloom based on the squatting? I don’t think so because a squatting is based on the damage and nuisance to the property owner. There exists no mutual consent. That’s why we need to create other and better options for the people who need a home.
When Frankie needs a home, he should have talked to me to find out a way. Frankie cannot just demand to live here. Can Frankie’s squatting be justified as a lawful movement for housing justice? I think not. Many historical revolutions began underground but none of them succeed when it’s unfair. Our history itself shows that justice always works with time.
Thursday, August 16, 2012
Dear Frankie,
Dear Frankie,
I never met a person who was so mean and disgraceful to me like you in my life. I still think of you because the business between you and me is not finished yet.
I have read the motion to terminate PPO you have filed. You still wrote this property as “my house”. I don’t understand how you can still claim it’s your house. How can you stand face to face before me yelling and shouting at me, considering what you have done to my family and me? I must ask you, “Did you kill Jerry? And after Jerry’s death, did you believe that the house is yours now?” If not, what is your ground of belief that this house is your house? I must tell you that this house didn’t even belong to Jerry, it was the property of Jerry’s sister “B”. You picked the wrong card.
When I offered you to talk, you refused and even sneered at me. But I’m still asking you to focus on your future, not me. You’re acting as if you have a power over me. But you don’t. You did what you wanted and gave us enough hurt, pain and damages. Even if such things are allowed by your moral value, it’s not allowed by the universal system. You’ll receive what you did. Please don’t come back and forget the PPO. Put your whole energy into building your future in a better way.
Tuesday, August 14, 2012
Thank you, Detroit Police Dept.!
My pain and suffering due to Frankie Walton comes from everywhere. When Frankie came back, he made a big mess with the trashcan. The police officer “P” advised me to keep the trashcan inside because Frankie could set fire in the trashcan. Oh… maybe… I pulled the trashcan into the backyard. My pain is… today is garbage pick up day. I usually put out the trashcan on the street Monday night. Sounds funny, but I’m afraid- what if Frankie comes back to snatch the trashcan or set fire in it… I set the alarm clock 4:30 am and I woke up with zombie mood to put the trashcan out. As soon as it was emptied, I put it back inside. “Must I worry about the trashcan? Can I have any peace, Frankie?” I was screaming.
But my family and I truly want to show our appreciation to Detroit Police Dept. When such hectic and funny things happened, the neighbors said, “It’s Detroit!” But I cannot be so cynical because I see the police patrolling this street last night, paying extra attention. I know that they’re doing their best to keep Detroit a safe place despite of millions of tasks and incidents. I’m sure that Detroit Police Dept. has much more works compared to other quiet suburbs.
Anyway… Frankie keeps bothering, harassing and threatening my family and me. And the police can’t stop him, but it’s not their fault. I think Frankie now believes that if he harasses me, successfully runs away before the police arrive, then he is safe. We’ll see if Frankie’s belief is warranted.
Sunday, August 12, 2012
Frankie Comes Back
I think I was too naïve. I never imagined that Frankie could
dare come back and try to enter the house. But he did. On 8/5/12 at 11:30 pm
Frankie came to my house. He checked up the front door key and left. I know
that he again disobeyed PPO. However, I didn’t make a police report because I
thought he is already on the edge. I hoped he’d never come back because he confirmed
that the key is changed. I was wrong. Tonight Frankie came back at about 8:30
pm. Of course, Frankie again attempted to enter the house but couldn’t enter.
When Frankie failed to enter the house, he turned over the trashcan and
emptying out the trashes on the ground to make a big mess. I stopped him and
picked up the tipped-over trashcan. And I immediately called 911. Frankie kept
throwing the trashes, swore that he’ll come back and ran away before the police
arrived. I evicted Frankie. I obtained PPO. Legally Frankie shouldn’t come back
to my house or approach to me. But he was doing repeatedly, already 3 times.
Now what more can I do?
Clean UP Frankie’s Mess
Finally we could see the basement floor. It’s really a nice
and solid basement. 5 days long we pumped out the water and clean up the
basement. It’s unbelievable $360 water was used to fill up this basement.
found that Frankie cut the cords of all the electric appliances like freezer
and dryer so that we can’t use them. Frankie really did hard work to give us as
much as possible damages. With time and through this experience I can see how
evil can be our human nature. I still don’t understand why Frankie was so mean
and evil to us. He stayed 7 months there for free. What could he expect more?
Anyway… I’m so tired and exhausted to clean up his mess.
Saturday, August 11, 2012
Detroit Water Commissioners
When my squatter Frankie Walton was consuming a mysterious amount of water, I called and even went to the Water department to try to shut off the water. But they refused my request because a squatter was living there. Sounds humane. Now as soon as Frankie is gone, I have received Water Shut Off Notice. They threatened to shut off the water if I don’t pay the unpaid water bills by 8/13/2012. There are $361 unpaid water bill.
I went to the Water department today. I was ready to argue. I asked them before to shut off the water, and they didn’t shut off. The Water department was well informed that a squatter was using the water without intention to pay the bills and the property owner wanted to shut off the water. Based on such facts, is it totally my responsibility for the water bills the squatter used? If the Water department wanted to exercise humanity, they should pay for their good will. At least they should decrease the amount for a fair compromise. Of course, they didn’t decrease a single penny, proving their humanity was made based on the owner’s sacrifice.
I even argued that I am a human being too like the squatter. I’m now living in that property. If they can’t shut off the water just because someone is living there, how can they shut it off now? Isn’t it a clear contradiction? They said they could shut off based on the unpaid bills. What a paradoxical policy? Is the property owner just a good meal? I had to pay the bills to avoid shut off. But public policy should be based on the mutual consent to obtain public confidence. People will get resentful when they experience such absurd exercise. Again… they didn’t shut off because a squatter Frankie was living there despite my several requests. If so, how can they shut off despite the fact that I’m now living there?
Friday, August 10, 2012
Frankie Attempts to Terminate PPO
I am truly disgusted at my squatter Frankie Walton. I never saw such ugly and mean human being having no consciousness. Today I have received a court hearing date from the Court. Frankie Walton filed a Motion to terminate PPO (Personal Protection Order). If Frankie has no intention to approach to me, if Frankie has no intention to come to my house again, why does he need to terminate PPO? What is his goal of his Motion to terminate PPO? Does he dare think his threatening and assault don’t justify PPO? Now I realized that my battle is not over. Frankie is still willing to come back to my house and is ready to harass me again. Now the hearing date is 8/29. Who willfully disobeyed the PPO was Frankie Walton. Now I’m very determined to win this battle because there must no more victims by Frankie Walton. Frankie is now well equipped by his ill know-how- how to misuse and abuse our generous legal & police system. Frankie must not harass the people anymore.
Wednesday, August 8, 2012
Entering the House
At last I entered the house yesterday, on 8/7/2012. Since
Frankie didn’t surrender the key, I had to break the key to enter. First, when
I entered the house, it was sooooo hot due to heating. Yeah, yeah… heating on this
hot summer day. I first turned off the heating. Next, I couldn’t enter the
basement. The basement was filled with water. I realized why and how Frankie
used the water 6 more times than Jerry.
Luckily I had a pump. I brought the pump and pumped out the
water all day long. Over
$300 water bills are stacked up and the water was used to
fill up the basement to damage the house. I still have to pay $300 water bills
and it’s really an unfair game. Next, I found the kitchen cabinets have no
doors. Of course, I once heard hammering sound all evening long and my mystery
“what sound is it?” was solved. Of course I have to clean up & fix. If
there was no Frankie, I wouldn’t have such unnecessary works, unnecessary
spending of money and unnecessary delay. All right…. What should I learn now
from my experience? Hate squatters? No way! I still believe we must help each
other because we’re humans born with something to do for this world, most of
all, for our own life.
By the way, I have changed the locks.
Thursday, August 2, 2012
What Makes Frankie an Unsuccessful Squatter?
My drama seems at an end now. I think (I hope) my squatter Frankie won’t come back to my property anymore. That’s all I want. Today I just collapsed. I was so stressed and nervous for the past 2 months long. If this battle continues, my health couldn’t bear it. I was diagnosed with a serious illness last July and had to have major surgery 2 times in last August. I’m still in recovery stage, and Frankie was a great pressure for my health. But my soul can’t allow Frankie’s unfair and ugly acts.
Despite my personal suffering and agony, I still consider it’s American beauty. In what county can a squatter call the police because the owner cut the grass? In what county can a squatter claim a right to the garden? Frankie even threw fuel on me at midnight. What does Frankie have more to do? America still has a rich soil where every seed is allowed to grow. Some people may ask how such things happen in this civilized country? I would answer it’s possible because it’s America. It’s not an issue of America’s rich soil, but an issue of each individual’s seed.
Squatters exist in many developed and developing countries. They may believe they have a right to make use of abandoned/unoccupied property for their survival. But I don’t think most would act like my squatter Frankie Walton. I know there might be some worse squatters than Frankie. But Frankie always intentionally harassed and hurt me. When I think back now, I realize Frankie might have believed that he would possess the property forever if he successfully harasses me and makes me give up.
Now Frankie is an unsuccessful squatter. The reason is simple. Frankie Walton was NOT a genuine & innocent squatter. We cannot live only by eating honey. Life demand us some level of sweat and hard work. If you want to squat, you need to confirm if the property was abandoned and perform your duty & responsibility - taking care of the property- as a resident. If your neighbors know you work hard to take care of the property, they’ll like you and you have some credit (of course, don’t say that you’re squatting. Having no money, no place to go, is not a sin. Act like a normal resident.) When the owner comes to you and asks you move out, you have the minimum defense and some basis to deal with them. A genuine & innocent squatter means (1) having no place to go; (2) having no money to buy or rent home; (3) walking into an unoccupied an/or abandoned property; (4) and staying without owner’s permission and without paying rent; (5) but taking care of the property.
I still don’t enter the property to comply with the eviction order. Honestly I don’t expect the inside of the property is fine. I’m ready to fix and clean up. But at least the property is Frankie-free.
Tuesday, July 31, 2012
Frankie-less Garden
Now I have 2 court orders, repossession order and personal protection order. These 2 court orders are now in somewhat contradiction because I can evict Frankie on 8/7/2012 due to 10 days rule- in other words Frankie can stay in my property till 8/7/2012. But Frankie cannot come to my house due to PPO. I decided to make the property a free zone to comply with the eviction court order. I won't access the property till 8/7/2012, but I won't allow Frankie to access the property. Since his criminal case is pending now, I'm afraid what he will do, as he has nothing to lose. All of my friends said, "Be careful!" or "Be safe!" Anyway I still hope the inside is okay when I enter the house on 8/7/2012. Now one good thing for me is that I can water my veggies again in peace. When I watered the garden, Frankie used to threaten and spit at me, so I gave water through the fence or secretly. It was truly unhappy moment. I wanted to write a tip for squatters, but my daughter glared at me and asked, "Why?" But I still consider it, because Frankie doesn't represent all innocent squatters. Today morning when I walked with my new dog, a man said, "Hi," to me. I know he is living in a garage in an abandoned house. Life is a movement. To which direction is our choice. I want to move my step always forward.
Monday, July 30, 2012
Tips for Owners Dealing with a Squatter
Finally I have peace again. My squatter Frankie is not here.
I have adopted a dog yesterday and am making her house now.
I want to share my experience with the property owners dealing
with a squatter. The goal of my sharing is to reduce their pain. First)
Don’t call the police unless you’re physically hurt. Upon my observation,
Frankie became more confident after the police visited, because he confirmed
with his own eyes that the police couldn’t do anything against squatting or
minor misconduct. If your squatter damages your property or commits to misconducts,
make a police report via phone. Don’t let your squatter know the legal
borderline- that squatting is completely civil matter. Second)
Don’t come close to your squatter. My squatter Frankie numerous times came to
me closely and attempted to provoke me. Frankie acted as if he would step on my
hand when I cut the weed and grass or spit at me, or came closer- just 1 inch
away and acted to hit me. Frankie seemed ready to charge me with assault if I
wave my hand. I always tried to be
rational and didn’t do anything against Frankie. However, Frankie complained to
the police that I harassed him. So if possible, always have a witness, control
your emotion, and don’t come close to him/her. If your squatter has some
experience like Frankie, s/he could attempt to charge you criminally. Third)
I gave Frankie 7 Days Notice to Quit. But the Court clerk said I should give 30
Days Notice to Quit. After 30 days, I had to file eviction and the hearing was
scheduled again after 10 days. After entering judgment for possession, I should
wait another 10 days. Accordingly, total eviction proceeding takes about 2
months. I wanted to talk to Frankie and was ready to give some time. But in my
case, Frankie refused to talk or move out. But I think most of the squatters
would agree to move out if you give them some time. To save money, time, and
energy, I think it’s the best way to make a consent agreement and let them move out voluntarily.
I hope my tips can help your case. It’s not easy having compassion and respect
in such circumstance. But such good elements can be the best weapon in any
Sunday, July 29, 2012
Willful Disobedience of Court Order
I sometimes have fear because Frankie Walton is so wild and borderless.
To Frankie, the law or moral seems to mean nothing. Frankie calls my property
“my house” and wildly demands me to stay away. I’m not sure how many squatters
call the property they squat in “my house” to the owner. Anyway, PPO (Personal
Protection Order) was clearly posted on the door and Frankie saw the PPO. But
Frankie completely ignored it and again broke into my property on 7/28/2012 at
7:57 pm and stayed there till 8:26 pm. Where does Frankie’s confidence come from?
What kind of meaning does the Court Order have to Frankie? I still hope he didn’t
remove the evidence. So many police officers worked on this matter. Basically
it must be a simple matter - squatting. But it became a big deal now. If the
court order doesn’t work for Frankie, what option do I have?
Saturday, July 28, 2012
Frankie Comes Back
My nightmare is that my squatter Frankie Walton will come
back to my property. My nightmare came true. When I see Frankie, my peace
disappears. The PPO was posted on the door. Upon PPO Frankie cannot enter or
approach the property I own, rent or use. Frankie ignored PPO and went
inside the property. My family member served him again the copy of PPO. Frankie
threw it away onto the ground. Frankie stayed half hour there and left with a
large bag. I hope Frankie didn’t remove the fuel cans or gas- something that
can be evidence at the trial. Frankie alleged that he just threw water, not
gas. If so, where is the water bottle? And what water smells like gas?
Anyway I was shocked when I saw him again in my property,
just days after being arrested for assault. Who in the world comes back in such
situation? Really I am speechless.
Friday, July 27, 2012
Today was another long day for me. Sometimes I feel annoyed
that I’m wasting so much time and energy due to Frankie Walton. I want to ask
myself, “Why?” But I’m trying hard to accept my circumstance and believe there
is something I have to learn from this.
I truly wanted to help Frankie. If Frankie stays without
trouble, if Frankie just let me know the timeline when he will move out, I
would accept. I do not mind waiting a month, or even more, if there is no
trouble. But Frankie acted as if he’ll live here forever. (By the way, I met
the Assistant Prosecutor “B” today. She told me that Frankie is a woman. But
Frankie is still a man to me.)
Frankie always claimed, “I know the law,”
and abused the legal system. Now Frankie is learning the true spirit of the
law. Only humans have law and law exists to advocate more Justice. I do believe
Justice is not only human concept, but an universal rule bringing everything to
an equal deserves.
When I saw Frankie was arrested, I felt somehow bad and
sorry. But today the Assistant Prosecutor “B” said that Frankie insisted that
my family and I harassed him and he just threw water, not fuel. There is no
point to consider his false allegation that it was water, because truth will be proved in the trial. But I can’t forgive Frankie’s
allegation that I harassed him. How could he say that? My pain and suffering,
both emotionally financially, are huge. Who harasses whom? Not me, and not
Frankie’s squatting started this trouble- his conscious choice of actions did.
Anyway… I also went to the City Court to obtain PPO –
Personal Protection Order - upon the Assistant Prosecutor’s recommendation. I
had no idea what is PPO and never imagined that I would need to get a PPO. It is Personal Protection Order that prohibits
an offender from assaulting, attacking, stalking or threatening. Luckily my PPO
was granted. I keep thinking what is the best option I could choose and what I
might miss. Life is an evolving art and we all are in it.
It's not a matter of trouble, but life.
Thursday, July 26, 2012
Finally, Judgment for Repossession. Thank you “B”
What I don’t like about Frankie is that s/he is always
willful. Yesterday, before he set a fire, he prepared the fire about 2 hours
long. Frankie took out something from the front door to the far side of the
house- he went back and forth over 10 times from 9:25 pm to 11:00 pm. I was
alarmed and afraid. When I went out to check, I found a very very old cooking
pot there. I was puzzled why Frankie put such old useless cooking pot and
garden chair on the driveway side of the house. I also found a child’s jacket
having some gas smell. Anyway, I came back to my home with confused brain and
But later at 12:15 AM I found that a kind of brightness was
shining, light oozing out from the darkness. I immediately went out and saw
Frankie was setting a fire. Adrenaline wrapped me completely and I was
desperate. I yelled at him, “What are you doing? Stop it!” Frankie sneered and threw
the fuel at us. Of course, I called 911. When the police came, I realized why
Frankie had arranged an old cooking pot and garden chair there. Frankie had
already reduced the fire, having fire only in the pot now and insisting that it
was a bonfire. Frankie is always planned and dancing on the fine line between
legal and illegal to harass others. He always keeps a loophole to get out of
trouble. I’m glad Frankie’s tricks didn’t work this time.
Today morning I went to the Court because the eviction hearing
was today. Jerry’s sister “B” and her daughter “T” were there for the hearing.
I really felt sorry to “B”. The nice old lady suffered a lot due to Frankie.
Thank God, Frankie didn’t appear, and a default judgment for repossession was
issued. But still 10 more days to go, to give Frankie another legal chance to
appeal. The law seems too generous for planned people like Frankie.
Wednesday, July 25, 2012
Frankie Walton's Fire & Arrest
It was a long night. I saw Frankie kept bringing something out
from the house and went to the side of the house over 10 times in the middle of
the night. What is Frankie doing there? I was alarmed. Yes, you can say that
I’m paranoid. Maybe I am, in Frankie’s case. Since my squatter Frankie is
unpredictable, my top concern is our safety and security. He always threatened
to burn down the house so that my family won’t live there. My CCTV doesn’t
cover that side of the house, but I could sense some brightness. I went out and
saw Frankie is making a fire there. I approached him to stop him and record it
on my camera; Frankie then threw the fuel on me several times. He shouted he
would set me on fire; I feel he would have.
I called 911 and the police came. Frankie pretended as if he
was just having a bonfire. But the police saw video of him spraying me with
fuel. Now Frankie Walton is arrested. But why am I more afraid than before? Why
am I not happy although my pain, Frankie Walton, is arrested? I am so tired,
but can’t sleep. It’s 2 AM now.
Is Squatting Illegal?
Before having my squatter Frankie Walton, I thought
“Squatting” is something illegal that the police can simply evict anytime. Now
I know it’s not such simple matter. “Squatting” is not only legal issue, but
also political and moral issue.
When a homeless man lives in an abandoned & unused
house, can we dare blame him, because he has a right to take care of himself
and to pursue happiness? Unless the owner claims him to
move out, it’s not a legal issue. But when he lives in a not-abandoned property
and the owner demands him to move out, it becomes a legal issue.
In America “Squatting” is not criminal, so no one can say it’s
illegal. But is “Squatting” being legal or illegal so important? Is being legal
or illegal a main issue? What if it’s immoral squatting that willfully damages someone?
Is it still legal? To keep our society in order, we need not only law, but also
many invisible but valuable things like mutual consent, acceptance, respect and
trying hard not to harm others.
Frankie is living in my property without consent, without
permission and even demands me to stay out and calls the police, expecting them
to arrest me! Again, “Squatting” is not criminal; in other words, we cannot say
it’s illegal. If we have no money to rent or buy a house, we can squat in an abandoned
house. But our society has many aspects; we cannot simply say it’s legal or
illegal and consider it the final judgment. Not all forms of squatting are the same. In my life, I truly have an ugly
and coarse time.
This is my work. I got a feeling of being harassed by a merciless black cat!
My neighbors always say, "I'm afraid for you."
Good News from The Chief Police Office
It was good news for me. Today, on 7/25/2012, I got email from Sergeant “S” in the Chief Police Office informing that all information about Frankie Walton’s misconduct is going to be submitted to the Criminal Investigations Bureau. Till now my squatter Frankie crossed the border to the full without any repercussion and the neighbors hopelessly said, “It’s Detroit.”
But I knew that the police would do something from my heart. The reason for such belief is Jerry. Jerry suddenly died from heart attack on January 29, 2012. But it happened just 2 days after George appeared. Of course, people can suddenly die. But all the neighbors and I really don’t think it was so simple in Jerry’s case. I knew Jerry’s ghost doesn’t allow George & Frankie to live there in such Ha-Ha-Ho-Ho free world.
After Jerry’s sudden death George and Frankie started to live there claiming that he was Jerry’s nephew. Everyone who knew Jerry was doubtful if George was truly his family, because we knew Jerry’s quiet and kind soul, playing his piano or tending a small indoor herb garden. When we saw how the ‘nephew’ acted, we were even more suspicious.
Frankie and George constantly begged money from the neighbors and attempted to sell Jerry’s personal properties, like his grill or picture frames. They never cut the grass or take care of the property. They always sat on the porch and watched the neighbors. All neighbors became uncomfortable. Finally I saw several large rats in their backyard. I was alarmed. I decided to visit Jerry’s sister to ask if they were really Jerry’s nephews.
Jerry’s sister “B” said they were NOT Jerry’s nephew and she had never seen them before. George came to the funeral and claimed to her that he was Jerry’s friend and had no place to go. So she allowed him to stay for 1 month. But she demanded him to move out from February. Of course they didn’t. Oh… I got the point.
This street became enough devastated. A few good and courageous people remain here and try to keep this street safe. I don’t want to allow such bad people to take over this street. So I purchased Jerry’s house. Yes, my battle began like that on 6/1/2012. I’m the new owner and George & Frankie became my foes, the illegal trespassers. Life is truly unexpected and unpredictable.
Tuesday, July 24, 2012
No more victims of Frankie Walton
My squatter Frankie Walton makes so many people
unhappy. Today he seemed in a bad mood. When I was watering the flowers, he
demanded me to open the backyard gate. As you know, I made the backyard a
vegetable garden. Tomatoes, Thai pepper, watermelon, zucchini… really beautiful
and abundant. But Frankie kept urinating there. So I closed the gate soooo
tightly this time. Frankie attempted to
knock down again, but he failed. I pretended not to hear anything and kept
watering. Frankie even spit at me (he also did before). Frankie finally called
the police reporting that I closed the gate. Why does Frankie need the
backyard? What right, moral or legal, does he have to enter the backyard to commit
his willful misconduct? I was ready to explain to the cops why I can’t/won’t
open the backyard gate. I was sitting in the garden for 2 hours waiting for the
cops. I think the police are also sick and tired. They didn’t come, so I came back
into my house. Really Frankie Walton makes so many people unhappy. What I don’t
understand is Frankie needs to focus on searching for a new home, not harassing
others. We humans are like a spider making our own world with our own thread.
Frankie makes his world a hell and is trying hard to spread his hell. I’m very
determined that there must be no more victims of Frankie Walton. But honestly, I am tired.
When Frankie failed to knock down the gate, he put up a nice sign.
Frankie’s Squatting is Anti-Social Behavior
My squatter Frankie Walton has a job and a place to go. How do I know? Because… Frankie regularly goes out about 7:00 am and comes back after 5:30 pm, from Monday to Friday. He also bragged to the police he is working everyday when they asked who he was. And Frankie sometimes stays somewhere else for a couple of days. Frankie smokes a lot and always takes out something to eat from McDonald’s. Frankie also sometimes calls and uses the taxi. Frankie Walton is squatting as a business, not from economic necessity.
We have to seriously consider the reason why people squat - by necessity or by something else. In this period of recession, squatting has become more and more prevalent in America. Some people desperately squat based on deprivation - housing need. Since we humans need a roof to sleep under, of course, we should give a chance to them to stay. But if squatting is done as a profitable business like Frankie Walton, we have to reconsider it.
In many countries, squatting is a crime. For example, on June 1, 2010 the Squatting Ban was accepted by Parliament, so Squatting is illegal in the Netherlands. But in America, squatting is considered as a civil conflict between the property owner and the squatter.
Accordingly, the squatters in America are indistinguishable from the normal lawful tenants. The squatters already bypassed the common sense, human rules (the property owner has a right to possess and use the property), but the beleaguered owners are not provided with any adequate, effective self-defense tools.
In my case, Frankie Walton is not only possessing & using the house, but also claims rights over the backyard, although Frankie has nothing to do there. As I stated before, Frankie never cut the grass, dumped garbage to the backyard, and repeatedly urinated there. The backyard became a rat’s nest. I couldn’t bear it anymore, so I started to clean up the backyard. Of course, Frankie Walton called the police several times and claimed his rights over the backyard and demanded the police to stop me from working there. Since the police confirmed the poor condition, they did let me clean up. After clean up, I made the backyard a vegetable garden. Frankie Walton kept coming and urinating there. I fixed the fence and gate and closed it to avoid Frankie’s willful misconducts. Frankie knocked down the fence several times.
Squatting - staying while people recover from their unfortunate life events – is a matter of human life requiring mutual understanding and respect. But squatting performed by Frankie Walton should be considered as an Anti-Social Behavior causing a great deal of distress to the property owner and local residents. Since squatting becomes widespread, we need more adequate countermeasures against its abuse.
Another Victim of Frankie Walton
There is another woman victimized by Frankie Walton’s
squatting. When I was mowing the lawn, a woman stopped her car and came to me.
Her name was Chris. She told me that she had allowed Frankie to live at her
apartment as a roommate. But Frankie didn’t pay anything and started to live as
a squatter. When Chris asked Frankie to move out, Frankie threatened to break
the windows. Chris said it was a real nightmare and told me that she would
gladly come to the eviction trail to testify. When I heard that, honestly I
thought inside that I could handle it; I would call the police; blah, blah… Now
I admit that Chris was right – it’s a real nightmare and the only way to remove
Frankie is an eviction court order. Frankie steals and damages the properties till
now. I feel helpless because there is nothing I can do against Frankie. Does
anybody know where Frankie Walton works?
Monday, July 23, 2012
Why don’t we make squatters register to the local police?
Today, 7/23/2012 Frankie Walton came back early about 5:00
pm. All evening long I hear him hammering inside. Eviction is now proceeding
and Frankie must know that s/he doesn’t have much time. Frankie always declared
to me, “You won’t live here!” I think Frankie is attempting to damage the
inside of the house. I just pray it’s still standing when I finally get to go
I think it’s truly unfair game. What I know for sure is
his/her name is Frankie Walton. I don’t know anything else about him/her. Even
if Frankie Walton damaged a lot inside the house, stole everything inside the
house, even burned down the house as s/he threatens, what can I do? Sue
Frankie? After the eviction, Frankie will disappear, and there is no way to
make Frankie pay for the damages.
To warrantee the minimum safety and security of both sides,
why don’t we make the squatters register to the local police? If the squatter
registers to the local police, he may live in peace until the property owner
claims the possession. And the property owner also has minimum security because
the squatter cannot steal or damage the property like Frankie Walton. If we
knew Frankie’s real address, name, workplace, etc. he would not act so freely.
If squatters didn’t mean to commit illegal wrong-doing, they have nothing to
hide. Through legalizing the squatter by having them register to the local
police, we may have minimum order and avoid such frustration and
One Billion Squatters
Hi, again. I suddenly became busy because of my squatter
Frankie. Some studies say there are one billion squatters globally. Then what
is the solution that works? I found that there is a large legal loophole about
squatters in America. We need more fine line where squatter’s rights end and
where the property owner’s rights begin.
Frankie Walton is living in my house and using my
utilities without paying any cent for 7 months. Frankie, of course, never takes
care of the house, and the backyard became a rat’s nest. Frankie keeps stealing
the properties from the house and destroying the house.
I wanted to talk to Frankie, but s/he refused to talk.
When a police officer asked when s/he will move out, Frankie answered, “I
refuse to move out.” Frankie even sneered at the police officer and snapped, “I
don’t need your advice.” In today’s legal system Frankie has nothing to lose.
It is a total losing game for the property owner. And eventually, this can
discourage property owners, make them abandon properties, and be a cause why
cities like Detroit are dying. I think squatting is not a matter occurring from
the gap between rich and the poor, but a matter of human consciousness knowing
no shame.
Is Frankie Walton an Innocent Squatter?
One of the reasons that our society doesn’t criminalize squatting is to give an opportunity to people in urgent need. Life is not easy. Unexpected or unfortunate events always happen in our life. Sometimes life is against us and we can suddenly have no place to go. It’s a generous idea to give such people a place to stay.
But if we steal even $1 value sandwich in a grocery shop, even if we were starving, we’re facing a criminal charge. A squatter knowingly takes and uses someone’s property and the utilities without paying any money- in other words, someone must be damaged because of it. Squatting is not criminal to give them an opportunity to recover, but some squatters begin to abuse the system. And their property damage, threatening and all other doings are immunized by law.
Now as you see, there is a serial professional squatter like Frankie Walton. And the ones who misuse such system are not innocent squatters but professional squatters. In my area, a couple of homeless people are living in the garage of the abandoned house. Frankie Walton is living in the not-abandoned house for over 7 months and acting like a devil. Frankie even called 911 against me as a trespasser just because I cut the grass (Frankie never cut the grass for 7 months long).
Then where stands the fine line of helping other human beings by allowing them to squat in someone’s house? We should rethink and weigh how many innocent squatters have a chance to recover through this generous system and how many shameless squatters abuse this system and victimize others. Consent and acceptance are important tools in human society. Frankie Walton’s shameless squatting is not acceptable and there must be no more victims in Detroit by Frankie Walton.
Sunday, July 22, 2012
Frankie Walton Smashing the Gate
Don't tell me that I have a scattered brain. I know this post is supposed to be about why and how I became the owner of Jerry's house. But I feel urged to show you why I started this blog. To evict a squatter is not only a matter of a few hundreds dollar eviction cost, but a lot more. Over $1,000 unpaid utility bills are waiting for me, and Frankie Walton keeps threatening my family and most of all, damaging the property. My financial and emotional pain and suffering is huge. It's simply a nightmare. One of my major pains is Frankie Walton is not only squatting, but also acting like a King/Queen and destroying the property. Why does he have to repeatedly break down the garden gate? Why does he have to urinate in the backyard? It's simply disgusting and immoral. I set up some videos to try to film him in the act. This is his latest gate-smash, caught on my CCTV.
Jerry's Sudden Death & Frankie's Move-In
Yes, this story began in January 2012. Jerry was a nice, quite, and gentle old man and I lived in the house next to him. He always wished to make his backyard into a nice Japanese garden. He once asked me to check his power line because he suddenly had no power. I did and changed the fuse box for him. Jerry didn't have enough money and I refused to take any money from him. Jerry wanted to show me his appreciation. When it snowed, he shoveled and cleaned up the snow for me. It was really nice of him. One day in January a young man named George moved into Jerry's house. I thought Jerry had a visitor. It was a Saturday morning. I saw Jerry coming back from a walk. He waved his hand and smiled at me. Sunday morning an ambulance suddenly came for Jerry. I went out and asked what was happening. George said, "Jerry wants to die!" I didn't get it. Just one day before I saw Jerry looked fine and okay. Why did he suddenly want to die? On that night, George knocked all the neighbors' house and announced Jerry was gone. George claimed to the neighbors that he was Jerry's nephew and started to live with Frankie Walton in Jerry's house. Hmm... as a writer, I'm not convinced that Jerry suddenly died from heart attack, just 2 days after George moved in. But what should I do? Of course, I was sometimes bothered by it. On Christmas day Jerry had opened the bathroom window and given me some herb seeds as a Christmas gift. I still remember his gentle smile and felt uncomfortable due to my paranoid(?) suspicion - what if Jerry was murdered? Am I doing the right thing now by doing nothing? Anyway... back to Frankie. Frankie Walton started to live there after Jerry died.
Jerry loved this miniature rose I gave him for Christmas.
Saturday, July 21, 2012
Do you know what a squatter is? Squatter is a person who lives in someone else's house without the owner's permission and without any authority. Maybe squatting in someone's house without taking care of the property, without paying rent, and without paying any utility bills can be a nice option is such tough times. It simply means free living. A squatter is legally privileged and protected until they are evicted at the property owner's own cost.
Anyway... I am not writing this story to blame the squatters, but to offer an opportunity to rethink where Squatter's rights start and end.
Frankie Walton is my squatter. Yes, my squatter, indeed. All my neighbors call him/her "your Frankie."
Frankie Walton is living in my Detroit house for 7 months without paying any money, without paying any utility bills. There are over $1,000 unpaid utility bills but I can't shut off gas, power, or water because my squatter Frankie is living there.
Frankie Walton is a professional squatter and knows well how to harass and intimidate the property owner- most of all, how to use the police against the property owner (I'll tell you the detailed story). My battle is a true nightmare and it's my wish that there must be no more victims. I want to share my experience with you of how my squatter Frankie Walton is living over 7 months there and how I cope with his/her challenge. Oh... by the way... I still don't know Frankie Walton's gender. Frankie is acting like a woman when s/he needs, but is acting like a man when he destroys and knocks down the property. Most of all, my Frankie is sometime urinating outside the property in male position. But the police told me that s/he is legally female because his/her driver's license is marked as female. Anyway... why bother. Frankie is still a man to me.
Frankie moved into this house late January 2012. Yes. January 2012 was the start point of this story.
Anyway... I am not writing this story to blame the squatters, but to offer an opportunity to rethink where Squatter's rights start and end.
Frankie Walton is my squatter. Yes, my squatter, indeed. All my neighbors call him/her "your Frankie."
Frankie Walton is living in my Detroit house for 7 months without paying any money, without paying any utility bills. There are over $1,000 unpaid utility bills but I can't shut off gas, power, or water because my squatter Frankie is living there.
Frankie Walton is a professional squatter and knows well how to harass and intimidate the property owner- most of all, how to use the police against the property owner (I'll tell you the detailed story). My battle is a true nightmare and it's my wish that there must be no more victims. I want to share my experience with you of how my squatter Frankie Walton is living over 7 months there and how I cope with his/her challenge. Oh... by the way... I still don't know Frankie Walton's gender. Frankie is acting like a woman when s/he needs, but is acting like a man when he destroys and knocks down the property. Most of all, my Frankie is sometime urinating outside the property in male position. But the police told me that s/he is legally female because his/her driver's license is marked as female. Anyway... why bother. Frankie is still a man to me.
Frankie moved into this house late January 2012. Yes. January 2012 was the start point of this story.
My squatter Frankie Walton sitting on my porch!
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