Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Is Squatting Illegal?

Before having my squatter Frankie Walton, I thought “Squatting” is something illegal that the police can simply evict anytime. Now I know it’s not such simple matter. “Squatting” is not only legal issue, but also political and moral issue.

When a homeless man lives in an abandoned & unused house, can we dare blame him, because he has a right to take care of himself and to pursue happiness? Unless the owner claims him to move out, it’s not a legal issue. But when he lives in a not-abandoned property and the owner demands him to move out, it becomes a legal issue.

In America “Squatting” is not criminal, so no one can say it’s illegal. But is “Squatting” being legal or illegal so important? Is being legal or illegal a main issue? What if it’s immoral squatting that willfully damages someone? Is it still legal? To keep our society in order, we need not only law, but also many invisible but valuable things like mutual consent, acceptance, respect and trying hard not to harm others.

Frankie is living in my property without consent, without permission and even demands me to stay out and calls the police, expecting them to arrest me! Again, “Squatting” is not criminal; in other words, we cannot say it’s illegal. If we have no money to rent or buy a house, we can squat in an abandoned house. But our society has many aspects; we cannot simply say it’s legal or illegal and consider it the final judgment. Not all forms of squatting are the same. In my life, I truly have an ugly and coarse time. 

This is my work. I got a feeling of being harassed by a merciless black cat!
My neighbors always say, "I'm afraid for you." 

1 comment:

  1. This is false everything that is posted here is false
