Sunday, July 22, 2012

Frankie Walton Smashing the Gate

Don't tell me that I have a scattered brain. I know this post is supposed to be about why and how I became the owner of Jerry's house. But I feel urged to show you why I started this blog. To evict a squatter is not only a matter of a few hundreds dollar eviction cost, but a lot more. Over $1,000 unpaid utility bills are waiting for me, and Frankie Walton keeps threatening my family and most of all, damaging the property. My financial and emotional pain and suffering is huge. It's simply a nightmare. One of my major pains is Frankie Walton is not only squatting, but also acting like a King/Queen and destroying the property. Why does he have to repeatedly break down the garden gate? Why does he have to urinate in the backyard? It's simply disgusting and immoral. I set up some videos to try to film him in the act. This is his latest gate-smash, caught on my CCTV.

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